Ashdieback Is Here To Stay
We heard about Ash Dieback many years ago and it has slowly progressed through Europe, over the channel, through England and has been in Scotland for about the past 8 years. We have recently been getting more and more calls about ash diebac, what can be done and what we can do to help.

We believe that Ash dieback is the worst tree disease ever and could wipe out 95% of the species. It’s referred to as Chalara and it’s caused by fungal spores that can be carried by the wind. While we have been out removing bad, decayed, and brittle ash, it came to our attention that the older the Ash tree was, the worst case of Ash Dieback we saw. What we have found is that some younger ash can be showing a good level of resistance. So, Special Branch are happy to come out to assess your ash tree for you. By carrying out this health check it will allow us to tell how far advanced the fungus has gone. Best case scenario, it may be just a simple case of removing some diseased or decayed branches or, full take down if the tree has become unsafe, which we hope it is the former as we love to see these beautiful trees grow and flourish.
For more information why not have check out our blog page about the progression of Ash Dieback through the years.
Ash Tree(Fraxinus Excelsior)

The Ash or also as the European or Common Ash is flowering plant species in the olive family Oleaceae and is a native tree throughout Europe.
If you would like more advice and information about Ash Dieback and its spread through the UK, please contact the forestry department below:
Forestry Commission
Phone: 0131 314 6414;
Testimonials from one of our clients who liked our work
"We had a large Ash tree which was growing out of control and had started to lean over an adjoining property. It is a terrace with no direct access between the garden at back and main road out front so I was a bit concerned about how the tree could be safely felled and removed, and what it would cost! Shouldn't have worried. Called Special Branch on strength of previous reviews. Stevie came out to visit and sized up the situation reassuring me that they could work round the restricted access. He was able to give me a very reasonable quote there and then.
Working with Cameron he completed the work in a day and a half (cutting everything up into pieces small enough to be carried out through our house and the garage of an adjoining property) then cleaned up thoroughly after - all that was left was sawdust.
We had Stevie back a few days later to plant a couple of evergreens which will hopefully now thrive in the light. Thank-you neighbour and thank you Stevie and Cameron. Top job!"
John S
For more please go to our Testimonial Page.